Posts tagged Emotional Intelligence
How to deal with your triggers

Sometimes we are triggered. Stress and certain situations can trigger us. Sometimes the triggers come from childhood, or we want to protect ourselves.

This is where the infamous fight, flight, freeze or faun reactions come from.

Yesterday I watched a few triggered people react and , although it is not fun, it can help us learn about ourselves and do better next time.

I was also triggered and was able to keep calm and process it later with a safe person. For that I am grateful.

You also have triggers.

The question is: are you able to process your triggers and how do you do it?

The first step is personal awareness.

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What has emotional intelligence got to do with virtues?

We have talked about the seven deadly sins, and their “opposites”, the seven virtues and now I want to tie in EQ – Emotional Intelligence.

But what is Emotional Intelligence? It is composed of four areas:

1.     Self-awareness (know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses- this could be the virtue of humility)

2.     Self-management (this would include the virtues of diligence, temperance, and chastity)

3.     Social awareness (this would include the virtues of charity/good works and kindness)

4.     Relationship management (this would be the virtue of patience but also include the virtues of charity/good works and kindness)

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Seven Virtues for modern society

Last time I talked about the seven deadly sins and how they are pernicious in our present culture. Now I want to talk about the opposites and how to cultivate them in our lives and promote them in society. First, here are the deadly sins once more:

Sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, and pride.

The virtues to cultivate are:

chastity, temperance, charity (or good works/love in action), diligence, kindness, patience, and humility.

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Vices: What are the "seven deadly sins" and how do they affect my life and society?

Recently I was at a birthday party and the topic of gluttony came up. Surprise! The food was plenteous and delicious 

Then we went on to discuss the “seven deadly sins”, mostly focusing on the real big one: pride and that got me thinking about the sins and their opposites, the virtues – and Wikipedia* (below) gave me a wonderful table not only with the sins, but their opposites… these opposites, the virtues, look very much like what Daniel Goleman calls EQ, or Emotional Intelligence.

Let’s look at the sins first in this blog, and then the opposites in the next, and finally tie them to EQ in the final blog in this series; EQ has come up in a recent hiring round I am part of, btw., as it is one of the asked for characteristics of most new hires.

Sins: lust, gluttony, greed, sloth, envy, wrath, and pride.

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Integrity is really helpful for success- for both personal and company success

When you are full of integrity and act with emotional intelligence, you will succeed.

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EQ, softs skills and having resilience

How can emotional intelligence and soft skills help to build resilience? Read on.

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How resilient are you? Here's something to do:

When you experience failure, what can you do to become more resilient?

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KEY for Success: Integrity and Emotional Intelligence

When you act with integrity and have emotional intelligence, you will succeed.

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