Reflect and Accept- for real Change

As we move towards 2021, I am doing some reflection.  It helps to bring about change.

I’m reflecting on the situation and accepting for it is, and then doing what I can about it.

For example, a young friend in another country (Poland) is very ill with covid complications and her liver is shutting down.  I can only pray, so that’s what I do.  Another young friend her in Switzerland has tested positive and her whole household is in quarantine… what can I do? Call and encourage and offer my help.

I am told we are going to teach online (again) next semester.  What can I do? Reflect on what went well (and try to replicate it), reflect on what could be done better (and try and change that) and not worry about what cannot be changed (the covid restrictions).

What can you change for the better in the new year?  Reflect on how things went, accept life and those things for what they are—really accept them, don’t fight.  Then think about what your power is in all of this and effect a change on what you have power over.  Sometimes it is your response, sometimes it is more. 

What you can also do is remember that the internet is a strange and scary place where lots of people pass on conspiracy theories without checking on the truth behind them (and the origin).  Be careful and try and make sure that you are part of the solution, if possible.

I am a fan of “the greater good” website and this article is one of the best on the topic of covid and conspiracy theories:

I highly recommend reading it.

Until further notice, I am focusing on the positive in this world, praying for my friends and thinking about next semester.

What are you reflecting on?

Have a great week reflecting and accepting the situation.

Patricia Jehle