Posts tagged planning
Your most important items "to-do"

When you are triaging- remember to plan for the two most important things:

THE MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent



What about you?

What are the MOST IMPORTANT things that are not urgent for you?

Maybe it is about finishing a book you need to read for work or study.

How do you plan for you MOST IMPORTANT items on your list? Do you block out certain times in the day/week/month that are sacred for these projects?

What about breaks – whether half-days, days, a mini-vacation, or a real one, they should also be scheduled and sacred.

Where can you go and what do you do to find rest and restoration?

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Fall Cleaning Ideas (for success)

How are you getting ready for the fall?

Are your emails paired down and ready for responses? Do you code/color-code them for “triage” and potential clients?

What about your to-do list(s)? Do you keep your old lists to make sure you haven’t out something under the pile of papers for too long?

What is your calendar like?

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How are you coping with the continued uncertainty?

How can we go into the fall with a calm and resolute heart to move forward positively?

First, decide not to decide (too much).

For sure, we need to keep moving.

Also, keep on planning.

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