Attitude and Assumption Check-up

Attitude is (almost) everything. And, of course our thoughts and attitude are quite intertwined.

Are you a quitter?  I bet you aren’t!  But negative assumptions and attitudes can creep into your working life quite easily because negativity is catchy!

So, have you been thinking any of the following lately:

·      I’m too stressed.  Stress is getting me down.

·      There is no way to move forward.

·      I can’t get any new clients, let alone keep the old ones.

·      My products are so-so.

·      I’m so behind (name the company) and so it’s not worth trying to catch up.

·      I can’t do this until I have more (funds, people, etc…)

·      It’s not going to get better until (the economy, my team, or  (x) changes.

Of course, there is probably some truth in all of the above, but there are no solutions, when they are put this way.  Your can-do attitude is lost and negativity sets in like a plague.

You need to change the way you think about these situations- move to a place of self-efficacy; there is always something you can do.  You need a way to feel that you are in control – set some boundaries against helplessness and pessimism.  You don’t want to be a quitter, you want to be one that will find a way!  You can and will find a way!  Research shows that if you believe you will succeed, you will – eventually. 

So, first find out what the negative assumption/attitude is (in psychology, you are looking for a cognitive distortion) – write it down.  Then examine the evidence to see if it is false, partially true or really totally true (very unlikely, as it may be).  Give yourself the benefit of the doubt when doing this and do not judge yourself too harshly.

Then put the statement into “can-do” language:

·      I’m very stressed and this is hard, but there will be a way through it, when I find it.  First, though, I will treat myself to (your favorite nice reward is inserted here) because I have done so well, so far.  Then my plan will be….

·      There seems no way forward, but I’m sure if I sleep on it and ask for help from (mentor or boss or…), there will be a way, somehow.

·      I haven’t been able to get any clients for a while, and some of the present clients show signs of leaving.  What are the reasons for this, and how can I change my products or sales to better reach the market and keep people on board?

·      My product is not so-so, but just not as cool sounding as x, so I have to change my product so it is better and at the moment I have to communicate my awesome value proposition to my clients and to the public.

·      I’m behind the competition, so I need to catch up and even surpass them as soon as possible by…

·      Let’s look at how to get (funds, people, etc) by this date so we can go forward as soon as possible;  in the meantime, let’s…

·      Even though it’s not an optimal situation, how can I go forward with what I have?

I’m sure you get the point. Work on your thoughts and assumptions, and change them to workable positive assumptions that move you one step forward- not fake a happy-clappy, but gritty can-do attitude.

What’s your next positive assumption – and with that the next smallest step forward?

Have a very successful week!

Patricia Jehle