Grateful to such ned in October with the PPF Model®

I am Looking Forward and Dealing with Today – being grateful in everything.

I hope you remember the PPFs model. Past-Present-Future.

Remember and be grateful for the past, even the hard times.

Savor the present – the good and the hard parts.

Look forward to the future with hope and anticipation.

I am going to start with the future, as I love to plan.  I love that I will have a relatively free schedule as of November 2nd.  I love the fall and look forward to wearing my fluffy sweaters, to eating roasted chestnuts, turkey, pumpkin pie and the like.

I have a colleague retiring from the FHNW in November and he can look forward to a lot of things, like spending more time with his family and focusing on his coaching and consulting practice.

What about you? What are you looking forward to that brings you joy?

Then let’s talk about the past.  We had COVID (maybe you still have it, as some of my friends do).  Hard things usually teach us something.  For me and the COVID-take-aways, I learned a few things like: I have more energy inside of me than I realized (this is very good); I really need “me time” (this is really important); and control is an illusion (I think this is a TRUTH I have learned. We only can control our response to our circumstances). I am grateful for my learning points and I am grateful that I am well again.  I hope you are well, too.

I am also grateful for many other things, past and present.  What about you? What a

re you grateful for and can imagine is a good thing to bring you forward to the here and now in a joyful way?

That brings us to the present, the here and now.  After all,

Yesterday is history

Tomorrow is a mystery

Today is a gift

That’s why we call it PRESENT

-Kungfu Panda

The here and now is where we are and where we can work and where we can change. How? By recognizing what is here and accepting it, first and foremost. The present situation brings us forward when we begin to stop fighting it and use that energy to go forward.

We can savor the present situation and enjoy it, accept it and be grateful for it.

Onwards and Upwards – yesterday, today and tomorrow – by living in today with all its glory and challenges.

Have a wonderful October!

Patricia Jehle