Advent 2020 Update

It is with a rather subdued tone that I write my Advent 2020 business update.

Despite all the good that has happened for me, I am well aware of those less fortunate, of those who had the plague or were fired/made redundant because of it. I know a lot of small business owners who are struggling, and some had to close shop.  It has been a hard year for many, so I want to “celebrate” my successes with less bravado and with more humbleness, I hope.

Advent and Christmas for me is like being invited as a special guest where I get a treat:

when I’m invited somewhere to eat or to visit the host does not expect me to clean the house.  They expect to feed me and, especially, and “just” have my company.

When we are offered gifts of Advent and Christmas, I believe we’re invited to the manger in Bethlehem and are given a surprise, a tiny gift wrapped up in a bed where animals eat. 

So, we can just come to the stable and open the gift. It’s there for the taking.

This year, more than ever, I take joy in the simple gifts I have now: friends and family near and far, a good pair of jobs (still lecturer and coach), nice pets and a great place to live.  Nothing is taken for granted this year, nothing.

The virus/plague has kept me home for most of the year, school started “in-person” but now I am mostly “at home”, teaching coaching and learning online, as are most people around the world.  But life really does go on, even if it is rather subdued at the moment.   It’s snowing today, and that makes the world muffled, too.  Life is safe and life is calm for me.

Despite COVID-19, my life and work did go on well, rather surprisingly, considering  everything that has gone on this year, and here are some highlights:

·      I finished my EASC Supervision certification (exam was online, and in German)

·      I had a hip replacement in May (which was postponed from April)- all is fine, now after 6 months

·      I continued to have clients, although I haven’t been looking “as hard”, as I feel it is more tiring to do online coaching and supervision

·      I have almost finished a member care course with OM (December are the last two days of this online training)

·      I had the spring semester off from the FHNW, but am teaching almost full time this semester, with having clients and other responsibilities

·      I learned how to run zoom, teams, and webex meetings, besides Skype and WhatsApp… and of this I am rather proud.  

Next year I hope to rev-up my coaching and supervision, as I have much more free time starting in January 2021, so if you are looking, check out my site at

Finally, remember to take good care of yourselves- to remember the positive past and be grateful for those things, to savor the present moments (for example, it snowed today on Dec. 1st, which is uncommon here and I am enjoying it, and so is Laila, my dog).  Then, make some do-able plans for the near future that make you happy, and think of the good stuff to come- seeing friends and family near and far, for hugs, for parties… and I wish you a very blessed Advent!