Getting through November 2020 - and thriving

How can you not just survive, but thrive in the second wave (second lockdown?) of COVID-19 this November?

I must thank two separate sources for the ideas for this week’s blog, although I have added to them and pulled them together into one thought.  First, my friend’s co-worker, Pastor Brenda Loreman, a second is a blog from James Covey..

So, here’s the list (adapted from Pastor Brenda):

·      Set goals

·      Make a plan

·      Create a work-space (from J. Covey): and FIGHT ZOOM fatigue

·      Take care of yourself

·      Change your expectations (also from J. Covey)

·      Reflect at the end of the day

Set Goals

We all need goals to reach them, and first and foremost for the time being, they really need to be SMART (google this if you don’t know about it)- especially, they need to be very realistic.  Now is the time to do something different, and, for example, I am watching more webinars and taking a few courses.  I know I have till the end of April to reach these goals.  Write them down.

·      So, what goals do you have for the day? For this week? For the end of your home-stay (right now in Switzerland, that means April 20th, but we shall see)?

Remember to set breaks in your work-time.  Research says you should stop and do something different for your brain every 45 minutes or so.

Create a work-space and fight ZOOM fatigue

Your space should be friendly and inviting, and if possible, free from other distractions.  My son has home office, as do I.  We build in breaks, especially from being online and we go outside if at all possible.  The dog helps.  Phone calls (and good old emails) become a better option, too, when possible.

Take care of yourself – body mind and spirit

This goes under your goals but needs special mentioning.  Do something every day to take care of yourself and remember to keep moving.  ‘Remember to check in with loved-ones and connect with people in possible (legal) ways- remember to keep your physical distance, though.  Remember to connect with beauty, too, by making/creating something, yourself, or by enjoying in another way, for example going out and looking at the fall leaves.  Even cooking can become a mindful activity.  And remember to move and eat well, and to “feed” your spirit.  It’s really hungry at the moment, I bet.

Look at your expectations

·      Are they realistic?

·      What are your plans for the holidays?  Are they do-able and good for you and your family?

·      Cut yourself slack, right now- you are tired from “hanging on” for six months.

Reflect every day (PPFs)

 You need to take time to reflect, and today is a great time to start.  Ask yourself:

·      What did I do today to let go of something not useful anymore, maybe it’s a habit, an attitude or a thing…? (this can be moved to goals, of course)

·      What three things am I grateful for? What did I savor today? What am I looking forward to and what can I plan for the near- and far- future?

I wish you a thriving week and lots of health and good reflection.

Patricia Jehle