All the best for the Holidays and 2020 from Jehle Coaching!

Merry Christmas from Jehle Coaching!

2019 has been full and a profitable year for me and Jehle Coaching.  I hope your year has also been profitable, as well.  Here is the annual Jehle Coaching “Report”

2019 has been a productive year with my coaching and now, supervision, business.  Here are some of my recent activities:

·      General business coaching

·      Start-up coaching (both regular and for creative businesses, and also with young adults and new, SINGA)

·      Team Coaching

·      Team Supervision

·      Leadership Supervision

·      General Supervision 

·      Burnout and Resilience Coaching and Supervision

·      Executive and management coaching, specifically for owners and leaders of SMEs

·      Career and job transition coaching (both at beginning and middle management levels) – including, life and career choices coaching (for young people, but also for those who are making decisions after about 10-15 years of work and new with 50+ who are either in danger of losing a job or have lost it)

·      Becoming a better boss Coaching and Supervision

·      Moving into management coaching

·      Expat coaching (intercultural transition and adjustments)

·      Coaching of people who are being sexually discriminated at work

·      Time-management and Self-Management (resource management) coaching

·      Decision-making coaching

·      Conflicts at work coaching

·      Coaching people with slash careers (ask if you are curious)

·      Starting a coaching business for coaches, including mentoring 

·      Mentoring

·      Continuing to assist friends who are artists and creative in many different ways - not always just coaching, but also consulting

·      Introvision Coaching (ask, if you don’t know what it means)- newly certified

·      Masterminds (a kind of (small) group problem-solving coaching)

·      Counseling and Spiritual Direction

·      Life-Coaching - certified

Looking for MORE/NEW clients in January/February 2020

At this moment, I am full-up and cannot take any new clients (and have had a record earning year).  But as of the New Year I will have more space, so I will be able to make space and time for new clients.  Check out my website for all my services: and I look forward to hearing from a few of you (first come, first served!).

I still love teaching at the FHNW (and now Kalaidos, too)

It’s amazing that I have stayed with one job for fifteen years and that means something: I love it!  As each year I change what I teach and maximize my teaching process, everything is new again.  This year has been no different and I look forward to the following school year with great anticipation.  – as a little aside, I am also teaching a wee bit at Kalaidos (in the MAS for Cardio Perfusionists)- the teaching is a mix of presentation, leadership, team and time management (burnout and resilience) skills with general communication in the mix.

Yes, I’m still writing after all these years!

I haven’t stopped and, still have two on-going (although my supervision has put them on the back burner)-- and I do so like writing these blogs. If you want to sign up to receive them, give me a shout!  

Always learning! – Love it!

Supervision training and certification is now ALL but paper- finished, and I continue to keep myself busy with other courses, small and large, including a new Introvision Coaching and Life Coaching certification, along side my business coaching certification.  I expect to be a certified supervisor in May of 2020.  This does not include all of the books I have been reading, btw.

There are a couple of conferences next year I plan to attend, and maybe one more training…

NOW for us ALL:


Finally, I look forward to this holiday season.  For me it’s a time where I can step back, take a breath, reflect on the good and the hard, learn from everything and anticipate an exciting New Year to come!  I hope you are doing the same.  What has 2019 been like for you? Below are some questions for you to reflect on.

Questions for you to think about:

·      What great thing have you accomplished? (Celebrate it!)

·      What was challenging for you this year and what did you do to overcome the challenge? (Pat yourself on the back!)

·      What did I do to help others this year- think of three things. (Thank yourself, and Godf)

·      What could I have done to make this year better, either for me or for someone else? (Can it still be done? Do it, now!)

·      Which book that I read this year still sticks with me and why?  (Give it a re-read/re-skim.)

·      On a scale of 1-10, how did I do this year?  What would made it better?

·      What will I do differently next year?  How will I know that I have accomplished it?

May you, your work and your loved ones be blessed this season and throughout 2019!

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2020!

Patricia Jehle