Posts tagged savor
Happy HOPEFUL Spring!

Maybe you are enjoying the spring flowers, the extended days of light hours, the birds singing.

Happy Spring!

Maybe you are frustrated with the rain and mud.

Believe me, it is muddy in my garden!

Maybe there is even more involved with your emotions. Maybe they are still as dark as night… or just very gray…

Have you got the spring blues? Are you tired and ready to scream? Try my Past, Present Future Model (PPF)to reflect and change your attitude for the better.

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what do to when it is "dark" inside - to outside?

It IS dark – How do you deal with darkness?

Darkness outside can be a metaphor for what is going on – inside and outside of us.

For me, the darkness is outside.

I have a friend, E who was home in the Ukraine when the war began over a month ago. He struggled to get his family out and to Switzerland where he lives and works. I saw him for the first time since yesterday – and his inside is traumatized. Naturally so. It is dark outside me, and dark inside him.

There are more stories, and I don’t want to go far here, but I have other U. friends who are here and in other places…

Even if it is dark from the time to time, there are things we can do to help make the dark better:


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How are you coping with the continued uncertainty?

How can we go into the fall with a calm and resolute heart to move forward positively?

First, decide not to decide (too much).

For sure, we need to keep moving.

Also, keep on planning.

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Avoid burnout, keep mentally and emotionally fit with PPFs

When you remember the past with gratefulness as I do with a client, and you savor the present moments, and you anticipate a positive future activity, you can avoid burnout and reduce stress. Learn to do the PPFs.

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Switzerland - coping with new restrictions and the continuing plague

Use the PPF model to deal well with COVID more restrictions and possible lockdown. Remember and be grateful for the past. Savor the good things in the present and anticipate the future in hope.

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