How to get important things done, not just the urgent ones

It’s already the third Monday in the new year! Are you getting your important things on your list done?

I have a few questions for you to help you get those important things on the list done – and then I will tell you what I have been doing at the end of the blog.

What has 2022 already brought you?  

What projects are you working on – and what is on your back burner?

How are you deciding what to do next

Are you stuck in the tyranny of the urgent, or are you able to think about what is important and what is urgent and REFLECT on what to do next, and what is on the back burner?

Also, have you CARVED out time for the projects, those that are most likely very important but not urgent.  

If not, carve out that time and to sure the most important things get done.

That’s key, also, how do you decide what is important, and when do you want to have these important things done by?

Tyranny of the Urgent!

We cannot have a 30-or-35 hour day.  

Living like that is going to put us in a place of burnout and cynicism.  No rest means no time for reflection and that reflection often brings about gratitude. And joy. 

Why do we get this way? Maybe it’s about living out of misplaced or forgotten priorities.  Are you living out your why and your values?

Jumbled Priorities!

Reflection and TIME to reflect is key.

When we stop to evaluate, we can find where we need to change.

It’s not about work and hard work is good for the soul.

 How Can We Change and escape the tyranny of the Urgent?

There is an escape from this pattern of living.

The answer lies in stopping and reflecting, setting up rhythms of reflection and rest.

Oooh! a four-letter word: rest. 

We need it, really.

So, find ways to CARVE out time for the important things and for reflection and Rest for 2022.

Look at your calendar and make that “cut” and CARVE out the time.

Then when you are in your reflection day (or at least half-day per month), decide what is really important and CARVE out time for that one or two items for the next month.

Then reflect again at another pre-planned date. And keep those times holy.

As a coach, I have been “graduating” clients and starting to look for more, but this month is full of training and reflecting, getting ready for February.

This means taking part in the Stronger Network this month and being interviewed as an entrepreneur coach (#SN22Live) it also means training as a debriefing coach later on this month.  

And I am correcting about 85 exams this week and another 50 or so next month. That correction time is carved out and “holy” for me, as it is vital to get the corrections done well and on time.

Should you be interested in help with carving out time, finding out what is on your most important list, and not just doing the urgent, write me.

Have a lovely rest of the month!

Patricia Jehle