Books, writing, learning for GROWTH

It’s been a month of reading and writing for me - as I am in the midst of finishing up my supervision papers, and I had a lovely holiday away from it all looking at the ocean and reading.

What have you been reading, lately?  You know, it’s been proven that reading real books is still very good for your brain.

This question, “what are you reading?”, is one of my favorite questions because it assumes that the person is a learner and a reader.  I think we should be both.  So the second question that goes with the first is “What are you learning?”

That really leads to pre-questions:  Why are you reading these books?  What are your goals?  What books and articles are you reading that lead you to your goals?  Also, what courses, lectures, YouTube videos, webinars might you be “attending” to reach your goals?

My reading and my goals

One of my biggest goals is always to work on being a better coach, supervisor and consultant for my clients, so I am reading coaching and supervision books and am in the middle of a finishing a supervision training,  I am also reading “fun books” – a few photos will be attached of the books I’ve been reading.

Here’s what I’m learning and practicing:

What I feel is key for me and my life/work (emotions are key):

It’s always all about people and relationship, and of course that is my mantra and I love it.  Here’s the second: we are all trying our best with “what we have”.  And a Third: our emotions are neutral and only show where the individual is “at” at the present moment.  Thus anger and sadness are not “bad” per se, but just signs of what is going on inside of you and me- only our reactions to the environment.  So, my feelings point to important directions and patterns in my life, but, in themselves are not the “end”.

The person in front of me (my client, or my student) is a whole being: mind, body, spirit: conscious and subconscious. I do not have any effect on just one part without affecting another.  A person is a “system” and all the rules for systems apply.

We are all constantly learning and changing and change is possible for everyone.  We learn mostly via modeling:  watching and mimicking others to learn new ways of doing things and responding to our circumstances.  Thus, we (I) should make sure I am being a positive model for others, my family and friends, my clients, my students…

And smiling (just like reading) is good for the soul: that is also something I remembered this past weekend.

So, what are your goals?  What are doing to reach those goals?  What are you reading and what are you learning?  

Have a great month of growth and learning (and reading),

Patricia Jehle     
