Jehle Coaching

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Do you have a plan?

A plan for your business is half the battle of getting somewhere.  First, though you need to know your main WHY, and then, as you plan you need to set systems into place so that you can better focus on the important things.  I wrote the following for someone who is just starting to lead a company, here is a brief outline of the kinds of activities that should flow from your plan.

Setting up a plan for projects and goals- breaking it down

Purpose    Objectives  Goals(SMART)     Steps         Actions                

Purpose:  the why you are even doing this, usually a long-term answer (2-5 year plan)

Objectives (could be called BIG projects, or collaboration of smaller projects):  the whats that get you to the why(s) – usually a yearly plan that is logical in order and has a timeline

The Goals (could be called smaller projects)are the in-between whats and they are Specific, Measurable, Agreed upon (by the team), Realistic (can be done), and time-defined

Steps:  the specific ways to reach your goal, often made of several activities (or actions)

Actions: the concrete activities that make up a step and are (always) goal oriented- each action has a description (with who is doing it and/or who is in charge) and a predecessor action and a successor action, with reasonable date of accomplishment, resources needed, constraints and assumptions- deadlines should be early enough for a final reviewal, as learning takes place with reflection

Thus, youryearly planshould have two parts:

1. On-going activities and 

2. Yearly project/objectives that change:

So, your Business Timelinemaylook like this:

2-5 Year Plan: Purpose and Objectives

On-going (annual, or other)     PLUS   One-time projects

Yearly Plan: (Purpose) Objectives and Goals- MAKE a TIMELINE

On-going (annual)                               One-time projects

Semester: Objectives, Goals and Steps (prioritized)

On-going                                             One-time projects

(Focus on activities)                            Focus on Goals and Steps (and milestones)

Quarterly:  Goals, Steps and Activities

On-going                                             One-time projects

(Focus on activities)                            Focus on Steps and Activities (and milestones)

Weekly (and daily): Activities! (prioritized)

Use the Eisenhower Matrix for decision-making, both at macro and micro levels (google it) & Use some way of making sure your goals are smart- here’s a good website:

Starting your business?  You need a great plan!