Posts tagged stress relief
Perspective in stress and negative emotions - the key to SUCCESS!

Changing your perspective on stress and negative emotions will help you be healthier. How you SEE things is really a game changer. How you see your situation and your stress can be the path to ill health OR a path towards resilience and SUCCESS!

I have a few clients with long term stress.

It happens to all of us, and for some it is a “given”. 

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Stress Tips and Trauma - what to do

I have been thinking a lot about stress and trauma. Part of that has to do with two books I have been reading and other reason is that my coaching organization, EASC, had an online meeting about this topic last week at our monthly online meeting.

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Attitude and Assumption Check-up

Attitude is (almost) everything. And, of course our thoughts and attitude are quite intertwined.

Are you a quitter?  I bet you aren’t!  But negative assumptions and attitudes can creep into your working life quite easily because negativity is catchy!

So, have you been thinking any of the following lately:

·      I’m too stressed.  Stress is getting me down.

·      There is no way to move forward.

·      I can’t get any new clients, let alone keep the old ones.

·      My products are so-so…

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Relationships and hormones (and stress reduction)

There is a lot that can be done for stress and burnout. 

One thing stands ahead of many others, though.

When you feel stressed or are heading for burnout fast, go find a friend or two and talk about it.

What does this do? It created oxytocin.

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Relationships Build Resilience

One of the big parts of stress is something that you can control: how resilient are you?

Start with your relationships, for one!

Research has shown that mutually supportive relationships are key to stress reduction and resilience. 

What does a good relationship look like? How do I develop and grow in my relationships?

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What can you Do when you are stressed for a LONG time?

how do I know what I can change in a stressful situation - what I have to deal with - and live through?

Let’s begin with some things you can do, even when the stress is not ongoing.

First, when you see that the programme is too full or is getting too full for your liking, try to, if you possibly can, put in time buffers.  Do it ahead of time.  Say you see that the next few weeks are full of ”heavy duty” activity, then do not plan something in the evenings, if possible – even if it is a fun activity and plan only fun activities (and one per day) at the weekend. This will help keep your brain and body from being on overdrive.

Learn to say no and feel good about it.

I am very serious about that.

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Scale Your Stress and Breathe

Long Term Stress

It happens to all of us, and for some it is a “given”.

Sometimes it’s the job, or the season, or it’s COVID, or…

My clients run companies. That is, by definition, stressful, and long-term stress must be dealt with.

Also, bankers and insurance companies and other professions have special seasons where there is a lot of stress.

There are two kinds of stress: cognitive and body stress (remember your body keeps score). You may not be able to totally reduce cognitive stress, but you CAN take care of your body.

So, what can you do to help the stressors that are always there and you can’t get rid of them.

First and foremost, breathe well and take care of your body as best as you can - and get outside (and remember your PPFs).

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Stress can be do-able

Most people think of stress as the enemy, but it isn’t.

You can even be stressed and have along life, as long as you see stress in certain ways.

Stress can be a friend and stress in itself it is never the real problem.

It’s what we think about the stress and how we deal with the stressors that is the issue. We all have stress every day.

Stress is ubiquitous and every day we need to complete the stress cycle (you have to do something – because “wellness is not a state of being, but a state of action”) to thrive.

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but it seems to be getting worse, so what can I do, now?

How can I deal with tension this week? The answer: Choose to hold the conflicting emotions and thoughts and let the tension just be; allow the issues that contradict each other to come into your conscious and pay attention to it all.

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