Change takes your whole brain

Change is hard but change is possible.

Recently I watched a TEDx talk by Esther van Fenema on limiting our freedom for health and happiness. How do we limit these bad choices we consistently make so we CAN be happier and healthier?

Ms. van Fenema said that four out of 10 cancers are cause by an unhealthy lifestyle (why do we still soke?) and she said that 45% of cardiovascular disease is caused by an unhealthy (sedentary and eating the wrong food) lifestyle.

But how do we change? Is it MIND over matter – yes, AND there is more. I have been reading a few books and neuroscience says that we also must engage our HARE brain for change. That is the fast part that we cannot just think our way into.

How do we do this? According to Jim Wilder, we need four things: joy, love, identity and character development and they are an order to follow. First delight/joy and then love which leads to a healthy identity and finally we can change our character.

But we cannot do this in isolation. We need a community, and NOT an online one. We need to get together face to face and be together, for each other and work on it.

If you do not have love and joy, you  will seek false ways to fulfill it.  You will numb yourself with things like eating too much, like surfing or gaming online too mu h, like drugs or alcohol – need I say more?

What this means for me is that coaching and supervision are really helpful for my clients with  needs for a change.

What that says for you is that you have to start small and with gratitude and joy for those things. It reminds mee of my PPFs®.

The PPFs explained:

PAST: Remember the past and be grateful, PRESENT: Savor what we have in the present and FUTURE:  Anticipate the good things the future holds with hope.

Why don’t you try PPFs for a few weeks and see what happens? Maybe you have been reading my blog for a wwhile but have “lost your way”- then start again with your PPFs.

What can you remember from the past right now that brings you joy?  Where is that joy coming from? Let it come and enjoy the past experience once more. Mayb3e you can write this experience won in a journal.

Then what can you savor right now?  Maybe it’s a cup of coffee or tea during your mid-morning or afternoon break.  Maybe you can go for a walk and enjoy the beauty surrounding you. Maybe you can take a break and listen to some positive music. Pay attention to the pleasure you feel in the here and now. Be slower and more intentional about your choice and notice your body, mind and emotions.

Finally, what can you look forward to?  Perhaps it is a planned holiday, to spring coming (and being in a garden), or to spending time with someone you care about.

Now, make a PPF Plan for next week – and see what happens.

Finally, if you want help with your need for change, contact me.

Patricia Jehle